Sadly you know my leveling parter. Niwa. I had to outlevel him a little but it was for my selfish cause but I am going to responsible and wait for his arrival for ministrel. Anyways being a ministrel is very fun. I can do the lightning thingy and the band where the monkeys. Its just fun. I really love it. Sometimes I like it more than being on Symbology. :\
Well of course. being a maestro can be fun except being slaved by coli fulls but get paid almost a good amount. But still.
I have also wanted a RW because it looked fun. Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe.
I want the idr and the triple tier D; hm. Anyways I tried pvping with Symbologist and it turned out!!!!!! Horrible. I got creamed lol.
Well in my ministrel experience I would level my ministrel to lvl 193. and then wait for Niwa to get to lvl 140 and we can be ministrels together. Well all I will be a blast because I acually leveled him lol. Remember Chocobo? Nom? Rhymester? YA. HES GONE.
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